Autumn Inspiration at Waddesdon
HOW are we nearly at the end of the year? We've been fantastically busy and our poor blog has felt the brunt of our chocka diary. So it's...

Our second wedding anniversary
Waking up on a dreary September Monday, really doesn't do much for enthusiasm levels here at White Cottage HQ. This summer has been our...

Wedding Inspiration at Waddesdon
March has been a tad busy (mad busy!) for White Cottage and one of the highlights has to be the Wedding Inspiration Day at Waddesdon. To...

Mini shoot/tea and chat sesh :D
So we got together with a couple of our wedding biz friends and mocked up some pretty table-scapes. It was the first time that Tabitha...

New website, new branding, new products... and a new baby!
Sooooooo, the last six months have been a teensy bit busy here at White Cottage HQ. October 14th saw the arrival of Tabitha Autumn, our...